An Equitable City Block
Saturday, March 18, 2023 | 1PM – 4PM
VIA – A Perkins Eastman Studio, 1809 7th Ave, #800, Seattle, WA 98101
What does equity mean in architecture and design? Zoning, the still active practices of defining single-use areas of a city, and redlining, a historic planning tool used to segregate cities racially, have marginalized diverse and low-income communities and created barriers to home ownership. If zoning was to be eliminated, what could the City Block of the future look like, and what are ways to incorporate equity into historically single-family home areas in particular? During this workshop, we will take a single-family zoned city block and imagine ways to mix uses, increase mobility, incorporate different housing types, and ensure open spaces and community gatherings.
Our youth workshops encourage students ages 10-16 to tackle social, environmental, and engineering challenges. With an extended emphasis on more conceptual issues and demanding architectural concepts, these workshops are perfect for older students. Hosted at Seattle-area architectural offices, SAF staff and volunteer architects support participants as they plan, build, and present solutions to imaginative and thought-provoking design challenges
Please note: All workshops will require masks for all youth, adults, and staff (no matter vaccination status) for the entirety of the event. All those who are eligible for vaccination are required to be vaccinated to attend and show vaccination proof upon entry.
We offer need-based scholarships for all SAF Youth Programs. For details about scholarships, email Program Director, Marina Szende at
Photo: Jocelyn R.C.