Design in Depth: Community Driven Design with Africatown Plaza

Thursday, October 17 | 6:00 - 7:30PM | TICKETS


How can design promote social justice in the community? Join the Seattle Architecture Foundation for a panel discussion as we engage this question related to the new Africatown Plaza building. Africatown Plaza represents a joint effort between Africatown Community Land Trust (ACLT) and Community Roots Housing, working together to interrupt patterns of displacement in the Central District. Collaborating with GGLO and David Baker Architects, ACLT sought community feedback on designs for Africatown Plaza which will provide a much-needed community asset—affordable housing—while also preserving and respecting the cultural identity of Seattle's Central District.

At this panel, we'll hear from Wyking Garrett of Africatown Community Land Trust, Jon Hall of GGLO, and Marcell Snodgrass of David Baker Architects about the origin of this building and how the community helped shape the iconic structure that will provide beauty and affordable housing in Seattle's Central District. Short presentations and a moderated panel discussion will be followed by audience questions.

Learn more about Africatown Plaza: Home | Africatown Plaza

This is the first lecture in SAF's 2024-25 Design in Depth Lecture Series, Design Matters: Shaping Cities, Shaping Futures.


A digital rendering of the final concept for the Africatown Plaza building. The left side of the building features an undulating facade with a rusted steel exterior. The right side of the building is rectangular with long vertical windows and a mural. There is a community plaza in front of the building.
Logos of Africatown Community Land Trust, Community Roots Housing, GGLO, and David Baker Architects on a white background.