The Northwest School Summer Camp 2023

We are excited to partner with The Northwest School for their annual summer camp! Open to youth ages 10-16, NWS summer camp focuses on social connections and academic enrichment based on The Northwest School liberal arts curriculum and social justice mission. This year, we are offering two courses: Designing Seattle and Intro to Architectural Modeling.

Designing Seattle 

This class will look at the transformations happening in Seattle communities through the lens of Seattle’s unique history. Students will learn how the Seattle we know today was created by decisions made decades ago. We will visit neighborhoods, talk with architects, and design models for new buildings and spaces such as parks, houses, stores, libraries, and streets. Students will then design and build their own solutions to a challenge facing our urban community.

Intro to Architectural Modeling

In this deep dive into the world of architectural modeling, students will learn about the design process, transforming 2D drawings into models, and the use of models in architectural practice. We will construct a study model out of cardstock and cardboard, learning techniques to communicate the big ideas about your design. We will then build a more detailed presentation model to scale, using professional modeling materials.


1. July 5-14, 2023

2. July 17-28, 2023

3. July 31-August 11, 2023

For more information, please visit The Northwest School’s website.