Design in Depth: The Redeveloped Waterfront

Tuesday, March 18 | 5:00 – 7:30PM | TICKETS

Please join the Seattle Architecture Foundation for our next Design in Depth panel discussion, highlighting the redeveloped waterfront. At the heart of this conversation is the following question: How do we design for multiple publics? The waterfront is a hub for residents, tourists, commerce, and vital marine ecosystems. How can we design a public open space that honors Seattle’s history while meeting the needs of today’s diverse communities?

Brief presentations from each panelist will be followed by a moderated discussion and time for audience Q&A. At the end, enjoy a light reception and the opportunity to chat with our panelists about their work on the waterfront.



This event is generously hosted by MITHUN at their office on Pier 56, and our reception is generously sponsored by Berger Partnership.



Michael Johnson, Director of Park Experience, Friends of Waterfront Park

Guy Michaelsen, Principal, FASLA, Berger Partnership

Kimberly Deriana, Architectural Designer & Artist, MTK Matriarchs


Photos courtesy of Friends of Waterfront Park, Berger Partnership, and MTK Matriarchs


A close-up image of several people standing at the edge of overlook walk. Part of the Seattle ferris wheel is visible on the right. The sky is blue with some clouds.

Two women sitting on the steps of overlook walk around sunset. The ferris wheel is visible in the distance.

Smiling people walk up the steps of the near overlook walk path that connects Pike Place Market with the waterfront

A drawn rendering of MTK Matriarchs' design for a large woven sculpture planned to sit at hte center of Overlook Walk. It is meant to reflect Indigenous weaving practices.